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Series of talks and exhibitions 2024/2025

Zsolt Kozma, Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg

In the framework of the project From Halle to Hungary and back in 40 years

14 June 2024, Friday 7 pm
Zsolt Kozma in conversation with Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg

in English with German translation - Participation after prior registration

15-16 June 2024, Sat-Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Exhibition with art works by Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg

Visit by appointment

Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg got to know and appreciate each other at a joint exhibition at the ‘Streetview Anderlecht’ art space in Brussels at the invitation of artist and curator Marianne Csáky. In the pop-up exhibition at the MALH, Dementieva presents several works, including an interactive installation that combines human breathing with digital information in real time, while Berg shows video objects from the exhibition project in Brussels.

Zsolt Kozma, curator and art writer, has been a long-time companion of Eike Berg since the 1990s in Budapest and knows both artists from his close collaboration with Alexandra Dementieva in Brussels, and will discuss the significance of contemporary media art and their shared experiences in the international art scene.


Zsolt Kozma

born in Hungary, lives and works in Brussels

Curator, art writer, editor. Founder and director of Art of Care, a non-profit organisation for art, integration and education. In Hungary, collaborates with Inda Gallery as its artistic director. Co-founder and curator of the media art gallery Videospace Budapest, from 2006 until its closing in 2012. Has written extensively about art since 1998, translated numerous studies and essays on art-related themes since 1991, and curated shows since 2003. Founding contributor of the art monthly Mûértõ (the Hungarian art Connoisseur) and founding co-editor of (2007 to 2010).


Alexandra Dementieva

born in Russia, has lived in Brussels for over 20 years.

The idea of interaction between the viewer and an artwork, mediated by technologically progressive visualization methods, lies at the core of my work. In my installations, I use various art forms on an equal basis: dance, music, cinema and performance. Akin to an explorer I raise questions related to social psychology and theories of perception suggesting solutions to them by contemporary artistic means. My installations focus on the role of the viewer and his or her interaction with an artwork and bring forth ways of provoking the viewer’s involvement thus allowing hidden mechanisms of human behavior to be revealed.

My research process happens here and now, in the increasingly technologized present, it is deeply rooted in cultural context. Photography and other digital media always record a trace, which indicates the former presence of something. Attesting to a certain event the trace at the same time enshrines the technology in use, thus acting as a witness to contemporaneous culture. In a similar manner, I tend to reflect on behavioral patterns and cultural mechanisms that are characteristic of contemporary society.


Eike Berg

born 1966 in Halle/Saale, lives in Freising near Munich

At the core of Eike Berg’s works is the question of the organization and nature of human knowledge and perception. His works navigate around these semantic centers with varying conceptual approaches and different genres, including video, installation, photography, computer art, and light art. His works share a focus on the element of change, usually examining on notions of the borderline or transgressions of borders: space and time, reality and abstraction.


Many thanks for the kind support

Collegium Hungaricum Berlin |
Werkleitz |
Art of Care Brussels | Facebook: artofcarebrussels



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Media Art Loft Halle (MALH) is a space for contemporary art with a focus on media art and discourse. A pop-up gallery and art salon, it was launched by Eike Berg at the end of 2023.

Contact and appointment:
E: malh(at)
T: +49 (0) 176 8454 2324
Instagram: eike4art
Facebook: Eike Berg
Große Ulrichstraße 48
06108 Halle (Saale), Germany

Zsolt Kozma
Alexandra Dementieva
Eike Berg
